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he Ecological and economic sustainable development of Hohhot. This paper was systematically sampled and analyzed the shallow groundwater of Hohhot's plain. Descriptive analysis and correlation analysis were synthetically use to comprehensively and systematically study the Groundwater chemical's law and the salinity evolution's character. Research results shown as follows:First,the average concentration of HCO.32-and Ca2+which are derived fromthe shallow groundwater of Hohhot are 333.525 mg/L and 82.970 mg/L , the values of the HCO.32-and Ca2+’s average concentration are bigger and coefficient of variation are smaller. Secondly, Through the correlation analysis, we know that the Na+ and Mg2+of the underground water mainly come from the various Sulfate, bicarbonate and hydrochloride, and the Ca2+ of the underground water mainly come from all sorts of sulfate and hydrochloride. The discretion of the underground water salinity is mainly controlled by the concentrations of the Mg2+an

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