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ly were killed at t=1 day, 3 day, 7 day and 14 day after operation respectively. The corneal expression of LYVE-1 was then examined through immunohistochemistry method. Result: LYVE-1 expression in the experimental group exhibits progressive increase starting from the third day after operation and reaches its peak presumably around the 7th day after operation. LYVE-1 expression in the experimental group exhibits much higher level than the control group at each time point (t=3 day, 7day and 14 day) examined. Conclusion: Corneal neolymphangiogenesis plays an important role in post-burn corneal restoration.
  Key words  Corneal alkali burn; Neolymphangiogenesis;LYVE-1


  1  材料与方法

  1.1  动物及分组  选择内蒙古农业大学动物中心提供的3~4月龄健康新西兰大白兔24只,体重2~3kg,复合饲料喂养。将24只

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