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  摘 要:首例“核暗杀”事件嫌疑犯的引渡风波,发生于《制止核恐怖主义行为国际公约》生效前后,突显了国际反恐合作与不引渡问题之间的现实矛盾和激烈冲突。如何消除引渡障碍和加强国际反恐合作,成为国际社会必须面对和亟待解决的问题。通过对各种对策的分析可以发现,“审罚分离”是有效消除障碍、加强合作并缓解反恐合作与不引渡这对矛盾的良策。这一国际社会的新举措,对于已签署该公约的 中国 ,尤其是对于完善中国的有关引渡合作,更具有积极的指导和借鉴意义。 本文由中国论文联盟   [2] 亮亮. 俄罗斯准备就特工中毒案回答英方提问[EB/OL]. http://news.163.com/06/1201/21/319MJOS40001121M.html.
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   [9] 毕远. 意大利专家称俄叛逃特工承认曾走私核物质[EB/OL]. (2006-11-29) http://***/2006-12-08/0023/19450767.html.
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   [13] Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and the Crown Prosecution Service of England and Wales, the MOU of February 2006.http://***.cn.
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  The event concerning contradiction of the suspect in the “first nuclear assassination case” around the time when the International Convention of Antiterrorist Activities took effect indicates how sharp the conflict is of international antiterrorism operation and noncontradiction. How to abolish the barrier of contradiction and promote international antiterrorism cooperation has thus become an urgent problem that international society must solve. After an analysis of a variety of measures and solutions, this paper maintains that “separation of trial and punishment” may be the best way to overcome the barrier and avert contradiction between antiterrorism cooperation and noncontradiction, which, though

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