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systematical understanding of the world. But the experience of the world is unique. Practice has its external features while philosophy contends with it through critique. But the strength of critique of philosophy does not give itself right of replacing practice. Philosophy won't be able to provide any specific instruction for practice.
  According to Oakeshott, philosophy is relevant to actual life, but the relation of them should not be elevated artificially. In other words, philosophy can't fundamentally control practice. Just as Franco reviews,rationalism in politics results in ruin of practice, but the latter is the inviolable fountain of politics.[2]
  2Practice as "Behavior in Change"
  Oakeshott argues that philosophy had no absolute relation with practice, because he believes the concrete situation in actual life can't be considered by philosophy. According to Oakeshott, practice is defined as the behavior in change, unable to obtain absolute consistency.[3] Pra

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