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regained, but the behavior is transient and final once it has been done. It is irrevocable, unable to be cancelled. This hints that practice always submits to the sense of urgency, because problem must have been solved before it slips away.
  Practice includes assumption, and has no doubt about its authenticity. There is certain tension between “ought to be” and “be in fact”. Philosopher hopes their thought has unified system, but behavior in reality is always linked to change. Attempting to dispel all contradiction and difference of practice, rational philosophy will cause disasters. We have no adequate reason to change the contradiction in present practice. Contradiction and difference can be tolerated. Further more, they are necessary for us to behave effectively.


Practice and philosophy are very different in eyes of Oakeshott. Practice is in the change, and is restrained by an urgent matter. It needs not the stabilization as in the

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