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【摘要】  目的 研究川芎嗪对任意型皮瓣存活率的影响,探讨其抗氧化作用与皮瓣成活的关系。方法 在大鼠任意皮瓣形成后分别应用不同剂量(低剂量组:20 mg·kg-1/d、高剂量组80 mg·kg-1/d的盐酸川芎嗪注射液行腹腔注射,计算皮瓣存活率,检测远端皮瓣组织丙二醛含量。结果 川芎嗪高剂量实验组皮瓣存活率较对照组增高(P<0.05),对照组与低剂量实验组差异无统计学意义;高剂量实验组远端皮瓣组织丙二醛含量出现明显下降(P<0.05)。结论 一定剂量川芎嗪的应用能够提高大鼠任意型皮瓣的存活率,其作用机制可能与其拮抗氧自由基损伤作用有关。

【关键词】  皮瓣; 川芎嗪; 氧自由基

    【Abstract】  Objective  To investigate the influence of tetramethylpyrazie on the survival of a random pattern skin flap and the role of antioxidation of tetramethylpyrazie. Methods  A random pattern skin flap(7cm×2cm) was cranially designed and elevated on the back of Wistar rats. An image analysis technology was used to evaluate the survival rate of the skin flap, while a biochemistry method was used to test the concentrations of the malondialdehyde in the tissue. Results  The survival area of the flap in the high dose tetramethylpyrazietreated group was significantly enlarged (P< 0.05) in seven days postoperatively compared with the control group. The malondialdehyde concentration decreased significantly in the high dose group compared with the control group. There was no statistical difference between the control group and the low dose group. Conclusion  The survival rate of the random pattern skin flap was improved after application of high dose of tetramethylpyrazie.The mechanism may be correlated with the antioxidation of tetramethylpyrazie.

    【Key words】  skin flap;  tetramethylpyrazie;  oxygen free radical

    皮瓣移植是修复组织缺损、重建功能的重要措施之一。提高皮瓣的成活率仍是目前临床工作中需要解决的问题。川芎嗪化学名为四甲基吡嗪(Tetramethylpyrazie,TMP;Lingustrazine LIG),有研究证明,川芎嗪不仅可扩张血管、增加血流量、抑制血小板聚集和降低血小板活性,亦具有拮抗氧自由基损伤的作用,目前已有大量有关其防治心、脑、肾等器官缺血再灌注损伤的研究[1~3]。而川芎嗪对皮瓣的作用少有报道。本实验采用川芎嗪干预任意皮瓣的成活,并检测皮瓣组织中丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化情况,探讨其相关作用机制。

    1  材料和方法


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