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 例5、袭人又道: “昨日贵妃打发夏太监出来, 送了一百二十两银子, 叫在清虚观初一到初三打三天平安醮, 唱戏献供, 叫珍大爷领着众位爷们跪香拜佛呢。还有端午节的节礼也赏了。”(第二十八回)
  杨译:“And yesterday the Imperial Consort sent the eunuch Xia here with a hundred and twenty taels to be spent on masses, theatricals and sacrifices on the first three day s of the month at Ethereal Abbey. She wants Lord Zhen to take all the gentlemen there to burn incense and worship Buddha. She also sent over present s for the Dragon- Boat Festival.” [5]
  霍译:Aroma continued, “Her Grace sent that本文由论文联盟http://www.LWLm.coM收集整理 Mr Xia of the Imperial Bedchamber yesterday with a hundred and twenty taels of silver to pay for a three-day Pro Viventibus by the Taoists of the Lunar Queen temple starting on the first of next month There are to be plays performed as part of the Offering; and Mr Zhen and all the other gentlemen are to go there to burn incense. Oh, and Her Grace’s presents for the Double Fifth have arrived.” [6]

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